I’m a freelance

I’m innovative

I can manage your IT project

I can develop your IT project

IT projects management / technical writing / market analysis / scientific journalism / innovation management / digital arts /cultural heritage management / technical translations / IT judicial expertise / blockchain / artificial intelligence / big data / machine-learning / data-mining / context-aware computing / wearables / telecommunications / matlab / java / css / arduino / processing / R / C/C++ / mobile computing / H2020

()_parÈntesis Services Review

During all these years we have traveled many kilometers, visited many companies and we have specialized in the following services:

H2020 proposals writter

I’ve become a professional proposal writer for the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. My interdisciplinary profile has the required skills (both technical and market/business) to develop high-quality reports that increase the chances of your company to win H2020 proposals (up to date with more than 50% of proposals accepted!!) and have easy access to up to €2.8 billion for further developing and expanding your […]

Technical translations, proofreading and text-editing

Different text types have their specific linguistic characteristics as well as typical errors. Scientific texts, technology texts, legal and administrative texts, media content (even fictional texts), they all require a particular approach. There are, however, some general rules when translating or correcting, which apply to all texts […]

Digital transformation

I’m proud of collaborating with COLPOLSOC (Colegio de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología) and red.es in analysing how digital transformation is being implemented in the Spanish Administration. After digitalization, digital transformation embraces all the processes leading to the profound transformation of business and organizational activities, processes, competencies and models to […]


My colleagues Elena, Guzmán and me, we have the opportunity of developing a game in the big big screen of Medialab-Prado. We have already think about what game to offer and right now we are working on the necessary tools to deploy our idea […]

Check the full list of my projects in the BIO section

()_Let's Talk

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